Pointillism: Fall Leaves Project

I developed and taught this lesson for my students in the “Modified” program in Quebec. Students in this group have disabilities ranging on the Autism Spectrum and Downs Syndrome.

In this lesson, I presented students with the concept of Pointillism through presenting the famous Pointillist work by GEORGES SEURAT, UN DIMANCHE APRÈS-MIDI À L'ÎLE DE LA GRANDE JATTE, 1884-86.

I showed students a zoomed-in version of the painting and asked students to describe what it looked like from up close versus from far away, changing our perspective.

I then moved into a discussion of our current surroundings in the fall and the changing leaf colours. We identified some of the colours found in fall leaves. Finally, students traced their hand for the tree shape and used Q-Tips dipped in paint to dab a pointillist-type image of a fall tree.