Collage: Eric Carle Themed Project

I developed and taught this lesson to a group of students in the “Modified” curriculum in Quebec. Students in this program have disabilities ranging on the Autism Spectrum and Downs Syndrome.

In this project, I taught students about the life cycle of a caterpillar into a butterfly. First, I showed students the animated short story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, then I drew student’s attention to the textures used in the collage work of artist and author, Eric Carle. Next, students painted sheets of paper with a variety of media and techniques including watercolour, print making, stamping, sponge painting etc. Finally, I presented students with the outline of a butterfly and students ripped up pieces of painted paper and glued them to the template to create the final collaged image.

* All images in the gallery below are of student work. Students names have been removed to protect identity. *